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  • Writer's pictureMathilde

The first blog post

Updated: Feb 23, 2018

The first blog post is always quite dreading. To be honest, I wondered for a while what to write, considering that all the ideas I had and still have are just jostling around in my head. Thus, I thought that starting with the beginning was a good thing. The beginning is why this blog is happening.

We are surrounded, overwhelmed and brainwashed every single day with the idea of sustainability and the concept of sustainable development. Most of us have a vague notion of what that means without really wanting to interfere because the task just seems too daunting. And, I mean, you would be right to think so. The task is indeed, overwhelming. Ocean pollution, plastic invasion, unbreathable air, pesticides, ecosystems depletion... You get the gist, and you're probably familiar with it already.

While I'd like to discuss these issues here, because I think they are important (which is the whole goal of this blog really), I'd also like to share practical advice on how to live a more environmentally-friendly and human-friendly lifestyle. Because, yes. In the end this is about you, me and all the others. Depleted or not, the planet will keep going on without you or myself to savage it, whereas us... well, it won't be so easy.

So, yes, in a nutshell, this blog is about sharing my ideas about how sustainability is discussed today from media to politicians, how it's addressed, if it's enough, who's acting (people, NGOs, institutions), who is not acting (petrol companies, Russia...) and help as much as I can the ones who feel lost in the middle. Widely speaking, this blog will address anything that has to do with sustainability and our right as citizens to feel safe and well on a healthy planet.

Have a good reading and a good time,


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